Dr. Tahl N. Humes owns and serves as medical director to Vitahl Medical Aesthetics in Denver, Colorado. She graduated with a BS from Indiana University, completed Medical School at Touro University in California, and Residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver. She is a National Laser Trainer and National Spokesperson for Cutera® Lasers. Dr. Humes also trains physicians, RNs, and PAs from across the nation in advanced injection techniques of BOTOX® and advanced dermal fillers, including Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Dr. Humes has performed thousands of aesthetic treatments with lasers and injectables. She was invited by Allergan to participate in the Juvederm Experience Trials prior to the product’s release to the general public. In addition, Dr. Humes is known for her expertise in laser medicine. Dr. Humes and Vitahl are known for their cutting edge laser treatments, such as Pearl and Titan. She has been interviewed for her cosmetic medical expertise by news affiliates ABC, CBS, and NBC, and has served on expert panels for Cutera® Lasers at national presentations.

Help Stop the "BOTAX"

Vitahl is voting to stop the proposed tax on cosmetic treatments.

To help pay for the health care reform bill that is being debated over the next few weeks by the U.S. Senate, users of cosmetic medical treatments have been targeted with a 5% federal tax on such procedures. This tax discriminates predominantly against woman and the middle class. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 61% of patients considering a cosmetic medical procedure are in the middle class, earning between $30,000 and $90,000 per year and 91% of patients seeking cosmetic medical procedures are women. In addition, since cosmetic procedures are generally not covered by insurance, the proposed tax will not reduce the cost of health care nor will it reduce insurance premiums.

You can learn more about the bill and decide how you feel by going to
http://www.stopcosmetictax.org/ ...... Then, hopefully you will sign the petition on the site to stop the Botax.

The Different Values a Price Tag Holds

With the current state of the economy, most of us are cautious about where and how we spend our money.  At Vitahl, we know that aesthetic services can be costly so we took a look at how our treatments compare with common expenditures.  We found that aesthetic treatments are comparable and last longer than many items we purchase regularly:
A good bottle of champagne that lasts you one night ... OR ... A Photo Facial at Vitahl that will effectively remove brown spots, sun damage and redness that lasts you months.
A latte at Starbucks each day for a year … OR ... 30 units of Botox at Vitahl every four months. Vitahl is among the top 1% of Botox injectors in the country.  This “liquid gold” can soften your wrinkles for 3-4 months!  Botox or lattes? Botox or lattes? BOTOX of course!
A celebration meal at Del Friscos that fills you up for one night … OR ... Six Microdermabrasions at Vitahl.  Microderms clear pores, and improve texture, tone, and mild sun damage.
A party dress you will wear only once … OR ... Fuller and more beautiful lips with Juvederm or Restylane.  Results are proven to last up to 12 months!  Learn more at Vitahl Medical Aesthetics.


LUST - Botox and Juvederm every 3-4 months on the dot. The big units and more than 1 syringe.
MUST - Botox and Juvederm every 2 months, lower units and fewer syringes. Layer the product and let your pocketbook take a lesser blow.

The price difference - approx. $800-$2,000 every 3-4 months vs. approx. $300-$800 every 2 months. The results - "layering" your injectables is always a great idea. The concept is simple. If some of the product sill remains, there will be less to replace.

LUST - three full face PEARL Laser treatments.
MUST - one full face PEARL Laser treatment and six chemical peels.

The price difference - $2,700 for three PEARL treatments vs. $1,386 for one PEARL and six chemical peels. The results - you will be resurfacing and exfoliating the epidermis treating the superficial dermis to reveal softer, more even pigment, smaller pore size, and overall improved skin quality with the PEARL and chemical peels. So even though PEARL is the gold standard for resurfacing at Vitahl, chemical peels are tried and true and get great results.

LUST - a full skin care regime purchased in one visit.
MUST - purchase two active skin care products that target your biggest skin concerns. Add on more product according to your budget.

The price difference - approx. $515 in one trip vs. approx. $160 for two active skin care products. Even if you add on one skin care product annually, you could still save several hundred dollars over the year by purchasing two "must have" products and adding when your budget allows.

MUST - Medical Facial plus a microdermabrasion

The price difference - $300 every 4-6 weeks vs. $180 every 4-6 weeks. Both are fantastic facial treatments, but if you are on a budget you will still get a great result with the medical facial and microderm.

Learn more at Vitahl Medical Aesthetics.

In a Recession ......

Use customized packaging to reduce the costs of treatments. Now is the time to save money while keeping up with your medical skin care maintenance. Talk with the Vitahl Medical Spa staff to put together a program that fits your skin's needs and your budget.