- Do not sacrifice expertise for cost. Often times less experienced doctors give more discounts to get more patients in. It should be about quality, not quantity when it comes to surgery.
- Patients can end up paying more in the end because they need their surgical mistakes fixed. If it seems too good to be true, it often is. A $5,000 face lift can end up costing $50,000 to fix!
- Board Certification: Make sure you are seeing a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for plastic surgery. Now-a-days, physicians who were not trained in Plastic Surgery (such as Family Practice doctors or Emergency Medicine doctors) are doing surgery, and they will often charge less.
- Listen to your gut. If you do not feel that the doctor you are seeing is right for you, don't do surgery with that doctor, even if it is the cheapest price. You only have one body, one life!
- Know your doctor. Make sure you meet with your doctor during the consultation NOT on the day of surgery. You need to know the person who will be operating on you.
- Plastic Surgery is an elective surgery. Make sure you are making the best choice for the right reasons.
- Make sure corners are not cut. Often when a price is lowered the doctor will want to finish the surgery quickly and may cut corners.
- Results. With cosmetic surgery you always want the best results. Going to the best doctor gives you a better chance of having the best results. The cheapest doctor is usually not the most qualified or best doctor. You are worth good results with your surgery!
VITAHL ELECTIVE SURGERY | TOP 8 Reasons to Be Wary of Plastic Surgery on a Budget | By Dr. Tahl Humes
1. It is amazing for the treatment of small to large areas of unwanted fat and all procedures can be completed in the office, without the need to go to an operating room or undergo anesthesia.
2. The skin tightening capabilities are unmatched. Therefore, even people with loose skin can now be candidates for these body sculpting procedures.
3. It is the only device that can be used for advanced areas of bodysculpting like the face, neck and arms. With Smartlipo of these areas, many people can avoid the need for a face, neck and arm lifting surgery.
4. The procedures themselves have a minimal amount of discomfort, a very short recovery time (3 to 5 days) and little swelling, bruising or discoloration. This allows you you to get back to your normal life activities in a week to 10 days.
5. It is the most successful laser assisted liposuction device on the market, with the most extensive amount of research and proven experience to back up the results.
2. The skin tightening capabilities are unmatched. Therefore, even people with loose skin can now be candidates for these body sculpting procedures.
3. It is the only device that can be used for advanced areas of bodysculpting like the face, neck and arms. With Smartlipo of these areas, many people can avoid the need for a face, neck and arm lifting surgery.
4. The procedures themselves have a minimal amount of discomfort, a very short recovery time (3 to 5 days) and little swelling, bruising or discoloration. This allows you you to get back to your normal life activities in a week to 10 days.
5. It is the most successful laser assisted liposuction device on the market, with the most extensive amount of research and proven experience to back up the results.
Reign Maker -Dr Tahl Humes Q&A
I was recently interviewed by Betsy Martin, Editor and Chief, of Reign - Denver's Authority on Everything Fabulous, a Denver Digital Magazine. Betsy has been involved in local magazines for years, since opening VITAHL in 2006 I have had the pleasure of meeting her and was honored to be featured on Reign for a little Q&A.
Betsy Features Local Females in Reign Makers; a peek inside the lives of Denver's most influential Females and the fabulous finds they can't live with out.
Dr. Tahl Humes is all about beauty, both inside and out. Here, the owner of Vitahl, one of Colorado’s hottest medical spas, shares her style secrets.
- I’m a city girl. I love everything city – The noise, the traffic, the crowds. My favorite travel is to a fun city where I can spend the day people watching.
- Anything Apple, I love my iPad…and MacBook Air…and iPhone.
- For a great glass of Malbec and dessert I head to Crave Dessert Bar & Lounge.
- I have no idea how to cook, but I love to eat, so we eat out six to seven nights a week. Twelve Restaurant is my home away from home for dinner.
- Wrigley, Niko and Botox are my ‘furry kids’ – They love to hike with Anthony of Out and About Hounds, and if my dogs are happy, it makes me happy.
- Botox, aka Liquid Gold, is definitely my number one guilty pleasure.
- Purses, especially Louis Vuitton. My favorite right now is the Louie I purchased in Paris.
- iS Clinical Active Serum – Not only does it help with acne it is anti-aging and brightens your skin.
- Of course, I love working at VITAHL Medical Aesthetics, which I started over 6 years ago. We have a great staff and amazing patients so going to work does not seem like work. And, VITAHL would not be growing if it weren’t for LSE (Leigh Sullivan Enterprises), what a great group we are working with!
- Working out with my personal trainer Brandon at F.I. Denver. If I am going to keep eating so much I need someone to kick me into shape.
- My friends. I truly have some of the greatest friends, both in Denver and back home in Chicago.
- International medical outreach work. I travel every February to Guatemala with DOCARE International to treat the medically under served. What a great country and great people.
Patient Blog - Denver Laser Tattoo Removal at VITAHL - How Leigh Sullivan Got Her Groove Back
They say that divorce is a great way to redefine yourself from start to finish. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have believed them.
When we got married I decided to get a tattoo to symbolize our love for one another. I got a Claddagh heart directly on the inside of my left wrist with his signature inside of the heart. On our seventh anniversary I got our anniversary date tattooed on my left shoulder. Those had to go.
The lawyers have names for the various different types of divorce: at-fault, no-fault, collaborative, mediated, uncontested and even “electronic,” whatever that means. But the suits can slap whatever name they want to on the big D, but no matter what, at the end of the countless phone calls and text messages, at the end of the day your left unequivocally separated from the life you used to know.
My life? It was a seven-year marriage that produced a beautiful baby girl and a mini-restaurant empire. We were employers of nearly 120 men and women, owned a home, a couple cars and shared a big, fat slobbering mess of an English bulldog. On the outside we looked like we had things pretty figured out. But on the inside…well that was where the problem was.
My husband and I split in July of 2011. We were officially divorced in December. He got the restaurant, a car and a bunch of other crap not worth mentioning. But what I got from him was a reminder…
I consider myself to be a pretty confident woman. I’m driven, well educated, complex, business savvy and I’d like to think I’m somewhat easy on the eyes. But one morning, two weeks after the split, I woke up wondering who I’d become.
That morning during a workout at Pure Barre in Cherry Creek I realized that I hadn’t been looking at myself in the mirror and when I did, I didn’t even recognize myself. That smart, driven woman I knew seven years ago had vanished. I felt tired all the time. My marriage, my two kids, my businesses…they had consumed me. I had completely stopped taking care of myself. I was too busy. The family needed dinner. The husband had another event to attend. Our restaurants were too successful. I was making excuses.
I call that moment with the mirror my “Ah-Ha!” moment. I took a hard look at myself and realized that it was beyond time that I stopped being a victim to my life and started taking the reigns again. I was awakened. Energized. At that moment I decided to start living my life for myself again.

I called Dr. Humes. She and I have been great friends for quite some time, and I figured she would be the best person to help me find someone to remove those painful reminders. Tahl told me that she had, in fact, that morning received her latest piece of equipment, the RevLight SI that could handle those tattoos without a problem. “Great,” I told her. “Sign me up.”
During the first treatment I decided not to numb the pain. I figured if I was dumb enough to get someone’s name tattooed on my wrist then that thing better hurt coming off. Dr. Humes asked me if I was sure. I was. Dr. Humes and her staff at Vitahl Medical Aesthetics were just as accommodating and remarkable as they always have been. Tahl talked me through the procedure and answered every one of my crazy questions.
Each zap of the laser felt as if I was removing a piece of the past and becoming the woman I always envisioned myself to be. I thought about my daughters and who I want them growing up to be. I want them to be strong and confident. I want them to take on the world around them and not limit themselves to what they can accomplish. I want them to be proud of the women they’ve become. I want them to see themselves as beautiful.
Did it hurt? Yeah it hurt (I’ve iced each time since). But not as much as it did when I realized I’d forgotten who I was. I left Vitahl that day on the road to recovery. To healing. To redefinition.
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