While Skincare may not have been top priority for men in the past, whether competing in the world of business or on the dating scene, many men have realized that it's only natural to want to look their best. Dating has changed significantly over the past few years because of the internet. In today's society, online dating is a more intimate process, which is much more visual and heavily dependent upon pictures. It is hard to deny that a self-confident looking man is likely to attract more women. One of the most popular treatments reported among men is Botox. Data shows that 1 out of 5 patients being treated with Botox is a man. Most men who choose to have Botox injections do so to eliminate strong lines and wrinkles. This reveals a more relaxed appearance. It's only natural to want to look and feel your best, and it's never too late. Call VITAHL today to schedule a complimentary consultation 303.388.7370
Men and Aesthetics at VITAHL
Men have figured out the secret that women have long known-- appearance can make a difference. Men have become increasingly aware that aesthetic treatments may benefit their social life, and are becoming more concerned about their appearance.
Dr Humes Says
Last month, I had the opportunity to reach out to everyone and discuss breast cancer, which affects millions of women. Recently, the mother of a close friend was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Sadly, she lost her battle with the disease. As i watched her go through this with her family, I realized that many people are not familiar with Ovarian Cancer. I would like to use this time to inform everyone about this devastating cancer that affects so many women.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, you will have dozens of questions racing through your mind. You will want to learn as much as you can about the support and treatments that are available. it's time to increase the public's understanding about the disease, including it's prevalence, prevention, approaches to screening, treatment options, and resources that offer updated Ovarian Cancer information throughout the year. Unfortunately, symptoms of the disease often mirror those of other relatively minor conditions such as digestive disorders. This can lead to delayed detection, which allows the cancer to spread into other tissues and organs. early detection is critical in fighting the disease and prolonging women's lives. The precise cause of Ovarian Cancer is unknown, but several risk and contributing factors (including both reproductive and genetic factors) have been identified. Some factors that may increase your risk of Ovarian Cancer include, but are not limited to, a family history of Ovarian Cancer, difficulty in conceiving, a previous cancer diagnosis or if you have endometriosis.
In honor of Barb Johnson, VITAHL invites you to 'Donate Your Wrinkles for a Cure' on Thursday, November 8th. VITAHL will be offering Botox for $11 per unit and $100 off Juvederm, which 10% of proceeds will be donated. Also, for the entire month of November, we invite you to participate in "Likes for Lives'. For every new 'Like' we receive on our VITAHL Facebook page, we will donate $1 to Ovarian Cancer research, education and awareness.
In loving memory of Barb Johnson
VASER on Dr Oz Show
VASER on Dr. Oz Show - Call VITAHL Today to see if VASER is right for you 303.388.7380
VASERshape- Denver Non-Surgical Body Contouring
Have you always wanted to treat unwanted fat and cellulite without down time or surgery? Based in Denver, Colorado, VITAHL is one of only 12 medical offices in the country to offer the newest technology in non-surgical body contouring. This non-surgical Denver body contouring treatment uses dual head ultrasound technology to break the fat cell walls, releasing the adipose tissue or body fat, which is then metabolized by the body. VASERshape does not replace diet and exercise, but it is a less invasive alternative to liposuction. Originally discovered in Europe, VASERshape is now available in the US and has been shown to permanently remove the fat cells treated.
VITAHL - Breast Cancer Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Over the years, not only have I treated many patients with breast cancer, but I have also had family and friends who have fought the disease. Because breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women, many of you likely have friends and family who are fighting this battle as well. October is nationally recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is an annual health campaign that stresses the importance of early breast cancer detection and that strives to provide greater access to services. Although National Breast Cancer Awareness Month started 25 years ago, there remains much to be accomplished in finding a cure. Some risk factors for breast cancer cannot be changed; however, some lifestyle changes, such as reducing alcohol intake and getting regular physical activity, may reduce your risk. It is important to educate yourself and other women as to the best ways to maintain good breast health. Thanks to the progression of research, improved treatment, and early diagnosis, 2.5 million women today are breast cancer survivors in the U.S.
There are many ways to get involved to help make a difference during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I am very proud to announce that several of the VITAHL staff participated in the Race For The Cure at the beginning of the Month. With a vision to have a world without breast cancer, the staff felt they participated in an amazing event.
Warm Regards,
Dr Humes
VITAHL Latisse Special on Living Social TODAY!
We hope you take advantage of the fantastic LATISSE deal we are offering TODAY on LivingSocial!
LATISSE is the first and only science-based prescription treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for hypotrichosis that is used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker. Eyelash hypotrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes. LATISSE is a clinically proven, once-daily prescription treatment applied to the base of the upper eyelashes. Vitahl is leading Denver LATISSE provider, serving the greater Denver metro region.
Lucky Number 7
September 1, 2005 will always be etched in my mind as a life-changing day. I will never forget the building inspector giving us our certificate of occupancy and telling us we were officially able to open for business. Our team was ecstatic and scared. We started that day with zero patients so we immediately began calling the many prospects who asked to be schedule as soon as we opened. Now, seven years later, we have over 8,000 patients, many of whom we have been treating since 2005.
VITAHL is anything but average. When I first envisioned VITAHL, I had the goal in mind to build a business that provided excellent aesthetic medical services. As a team, my staff and I decided who we were and how we wanted to treat patients, and we have stuck with these same core values. What has changed are some of our treatments. Over the past seven years we have expanded our menu to include the latest, most innovative and effective services on the market. Treatments for all skin types and pride ourselves in cutting edge technology. The most gratifying aspect of the past seven years has been helping patients embrace their natural beauty. It is because of you, our patients, that VITAHL has been successful.
Thank you for all of the love and support.
Dr Tahl Humes
VITAHL Adds FIZZ to the Menu
This month VITAHL will be adding the latest facial protocol offered by iS Clinical. VITAHL’s version of the Spa Facial, The FIZZ Facial is designed to smooth, brighten, and purify your skin. This effective, yet luxurious facial is designed to provide you with immediate and lasting results using iS Clinical skin care products. During the facial, a warming honey & papaya enzyme are combined to cleanse your skin while providing an aromatic and nurturing sensation. A mud masque of citrus & rosemary is applied to open your pores and draw out additional impurities. Next, a citric acid resurfacing masque is used to exfoliate & smooth the skin while providing a champagne-like sensation. Finally, a copper and botanical mist to aide in collagen production is applied. In honor of our 7th Birthday, The FIZZ Facial is 20% OFF in September. Schedule your appointment so you can relax and change your skin. Call VITAHL Today at 303.388.7380
I Miss My Lashes
They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it is gone, and this is the truth when it comes to my eyelashes. Latisse has been part of my daily routine for several years, but I did not realize how much of a difference it made in my lashes until I stopped using it. At almost 7 months pregnant, I have not applied Latisse for over half a year. I have gone from getting compliments on my lashes to looking in the mirror and thinking that my eyes look tired. Even my husband has noticed the dramatic change from long and voluminous to short and sparse lashes. I also did not realize how light my natural lashes are; I can hardly see them. I am a dark brunette, and always thought my lashes would stay dark; but as I am aging and without Latisse, they are more of a light brown. As with most women, when I entered my thirties, my eyelashes started to thin, but I did not mind; I had Latisse to solve that problem. I not only loved the way my lashes looked, I loved how they felt when they were long and thick. Luckily I know that I have options, and I will be able to restart Latisse before I know it. In the meantime, I am getting my lashes tinted darker and I may even buy some mascara. If you have not tried Latisse, I highly recommend it! I look at all of the VITAHL staff, admire their long thick lashes, and know I will be back there again soon.
Dr Tahl Humes
Dermaplaning At VITAHL on FOX 31 News
Dermaplaning uses a Surgical Blade to exfoliate the top layers of skin leaving your skin smooth. See the News Clip from Fox 31 on Dermaplaning at VITAHL.
Article Below from FOX 31, Follow link to full story at KDVR.com
Dry skin build-up can be prevented with a process called Dermaplaning. Angel Martinez, an aesthetician with Vitahl Medical Aesthetics in Cherry Creek says many women are opting for the procedure, which involves scraping off dead skin layers with a surgical steel blade.
Martinez explains, “Our skin has a barrier of dry skin and Dermaplaning removes that top layer so it gives you an instant glow.”
The process allows pores to breathe and promotes healthy circulation.
Martinez says healthier skin is better able to absorb beauty treatments, which can be expensive.
Many moisturizers can go to waste if they can’t be absorbed by hard dry layers of excess skin.
The Dermaplaning procedure costs about the same as a good facial ($100) and lasts for several weeks.
For more information about Dermaplaning you can visit www.vitahl.com or contact Vitahl Medical Aesthetics in Cherry Creek at 303-388-7380.
Couture Colorado 5280 Top Blog on VITAHL and Sun Damage
Couture Colorado came to VITAHL to get rid of Sun Damage and that is just what they did. Denver's Top Rated Wedding Blog did the leg work for their Brides To Be on what to do to tackle the Sun Damage that we all inevitably must face. IPL Photo Facial and Pearl Laser Resurfacing the Treatments and Results are the Mission. Enjoy their Article and Results by following the link above.
Botox Celebrates 10 years and the Buzz Keeps On
Vanity Fair Blog Article: A 10-Year Anniversary for Botox: The Molecule that Rocked the Cosmetic World
This Article was too good not to share. VITAHL loves Liquid Gold, aka BOTOX!
This Article was too good not to share. VITAHL loves Liquid Gold, aka BOTOX!
MiraDry for Excessive Sweating on the Today Show
MiraDry for Excessive Sweating on the Today Show
Live miraDry procedure on the Today Show
We are pleased to offer miraDry at VITAHL. Call today to schedule a consultation to see if miraDry is right for you. 303.388.7380
Great Article on Liposuction from New Beauty
This New Beauty Article has great Liposuction information for someone researching the procedure. The article explains different types of Liposuction and gives an overview of the different procedures. Click the link below to read the full article from New Beauty.
New Beauty Article Different Liposuction Procedures Explained
New Beauty Article Different Liposuction Procedures Explained
My Best Friend, The Doctor - By Leigh Sullivan
My Best Friend
Ok, WHOA — All meet my bestie, Dr. Tahl Humes of Vitahl Medical Aesthetics. I’m 39 years old, about to be 40 and after a good hard look—I know she’s right! BITCH!!
I have had two babies, I’m of Irish/Italian/German descent, so the reds and the browns are predominate. I have lived a life in the Colorado sun, and like most, I have sun damage, so Dr. Humes informed me that I have “Melasma,” a tan or dark skin discoloration usually found during pregnancy. Although it can affect anyone, melasma is particularly common in women, especially pregnant women and those who are taking oral or patch contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications.
I grew up in a family that prided themselves on their looks (not just their faces, people) but how their bodies stacked up next to their peers. And while like I said, I’d like to think that I am average in my looks, I’d also like to point out that I have a theory. Males tend to “appreciate with age” and women (in general) “de-appreciate with age.” So I’m going to do whatever I can to maintain what God gave me, for as long as I can, and I’ll do it with the help of my way too honest best-friend, who just happens to be an MD.
I have now subjected myself to three rounds of Ovivo-Sol (laser treatment that takes care of the browns and the reds) received Botox on my forehead, “bunnies” and the squinty lines around my eyes. I have shot my laugh lines with Juvederm, and gotten my cheek bones shot twice with Sculptra so I can maintain those cheekbones the good lord gave me.
Am I perfect? Oh HELL no! That will never happen. But God bless my bestie for being that brutally honest woman who ALWAYS tells me when my hair color looks like shit, or my dress is actually ugly. Because in my humble opinion, we actually need three things in life: 1. A perfect pair of high-heels 2. A perfect fitting bra and 3. The most brutally honest best friend in the whole world!
Love you doc! – Mean it! XOXO
Females - young, or old - are fickle. We tell each other what we want to
hear: “Does my butt look too big in these jeans?” “Do you like my haircut?” The
list goes on and on. Some friends just say what we want to hear because it’s
easier. My best friend, however, does NOT.
She is brutally honest, and for that I love her even more! My best friend is a “real life doctor.” She is beautiful, smart, and dead-ass honest. I’d like to think I am reasonably attractive (by American standards), I have a nice-ish complexion, and am not wrinkly, but the second I ask my bestie what she’d do to me if given the chance, she spews out a laundry list so extensive that I always feel like burying my head in the sand like an ostrich!
Her diagnosis? “Your complexion is spotty and you need the Ovivo Sol. You have ‘bunnies’ (wrinkles) in your forehead and you need Botox. You could use some Juvederm in your laugh lines and a touch of Sculptra in your cheeks to give your cheek bones that lift you had in high school!” Ok, WHOA — All meet my bestie, Dr. Tahl Humes of Vitahl Medical Aesthetics. I’m 39 years old, about to be 40 and after a good hard look—I know she’s right! BITCH!!
I have had two babies, I’m of Irish/Italian/German descent, so the reds and the browns are predominate. I have lived a life in the Colorado sun, and like most, I have sun damage, so Dr. Humes informed me that I have “Melasma,” a tan or dark skin discoloration usually found during pregnancy. Although it can affect anyone, melasma is particularly common in women, especially pregnant women and those who are taking oral or patch contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications.
I grew up in a family that prided themselves on their looks (not just their faces, people) but how their bodies stacked up next to their peers. And while like I said, I’d like to think that I am average in my looks, I’d also like to point out that I have a theory. Males tend to “appreciate with age” and women (in general) “de-appreciate with age.” So I’m going to do whatever I can to maintain what God gave me, for as long as I can, and I’ll do it with the help of my way too honest best-friend, who just happens to be an MD.
I have now subjected myself to three rounds of Ovivo-Sol (laser treatment that takes care of the browns and the reds) received Botox on my forehead, “bunnies” and the squinty lines around my eyes. I have shot my laugh lines with Juvederm, and gotten my cheek bones shot twice with Sculptra so I can maintain those cheekbones the good lord gave me.
Am I perfect? Oh HELL no! That will never happen. But God bless my bestie for being that brutally honest woman who ALWAYS tells me when my hair color looks like shit, or my dress is actually ugly. Because in my humble opinion, we actually need three things in life: 1. A perfect pair of high-heels 2. A perfect fitting bra and 3. The most brutally honest best friend in the whole world!
Love you doc! – Mean it! XOXO
Brilliant Distinctions Program at VITAHL
Beauty has its rewards, and in this case, we mean dollar rewards! VITAHL has partnered with Allergan to offer a terrific program that benefits our loyal patients. Through this complimentary program, Allergan helps pays for your treatments! You get fantastic savings on your favorite - or soon to be favorite - cosmetic treatments, and who does not want to look great while saving a pretty penny?
Not sure how the program works? Our Patient Liaison, Megan, is here to help. During your visit, she will get you registered for the program. Registered patients who are treated with Juvederm and/or Botox earn points. You can also earn points every time you purchase Latisse. These points equal dollars, which can be applied towards future Botox and Juvederm treatments, or can be used towards the purchase of Latisse. If you are a registered patient, you are already saving money; but you may still need Megan’s help. She is happy to make this program work for you.
Once you have received your Botox and/or Juvederm treatment, our staff will deposit your points so you can be on your way to earning more beauty dollars. The Brilliant Distinctions Program will send you an email notification, which will include a voucher from your recent treatment. When you are ready for your next treatment, you must log into your Brilliant Distinctions account to redeem your points and print out your coupon. You can do this at home, or Megan can help you do it in the office. Please be aware that points do expire, so we recommend converting them to dollars on a regular basis. The program gets even better when you refer a friend. You get $25 worth of points from Allergan towards your next purchase. The more you participate in the program the greater your rewards!
For more information, please contact Megan. She can be reached via email at megan@vitahl.com or in the office at 303.388.7380.
Cellulaze is Sweeping the Nation
At VITAHL we couldn't be more excited about Cellulaze, the latest FDA approved treatment for Cellulite. The results are amazing and our patients couldn't be happier. This is a great article describing the treatment.
More than a temporary fix? | recordonline.com
More than a temporary fix? | recordonline.com
VASER Procedure Live
VASER is one of VITAHL's favorite Fat Blasting Procedures perfect for perfectign your bikini body. Kate Summerville, a renown Los Angeles Skin Expert, talks a patient through a VASER procedure Live in this video. VASER is a non-invasive procedure proven to blast fat, call VITAHL today to see is VASER is right for you 303.388.7380.
Life is about change, and our skin is proof of that. As we age, we lose elasticity in our skin, develop age spots, and the collagen and supportive structures literally start to break down. Most often we focus on problem areas and may think that there is only one treatment out there to reverse the signs of aging. However, often the best results come from a combination of treatments. Skin is composed of multiple layers, and all of these layers undergo changes as we age. By combining several different treatment options which penetrate different layers and structures of the skin, we can focus on the individual's overall aesthetic treatment goal while achieving maximum results. Depending on your age or skin type, there is always a customized plan of action.
At VITAHL, our highly knowledgeable and licensed medical professionals are here to meet with you and customize a plan for your skin type and aesthetic concerns. For a patient who is aging and wants to regain elasticity and volume, we would generally suggest a combination of injectables such as Botox, Juvederm and/or Sculptra. Imagine the face as a balloon. When we are young the balloon is full, but as we age our balloon loses air and deflates. By using fillers to re-volumize the face, a more youthful appearance is achieved. Finish off with a Pearl Fusion laser to resurface the skin and create a smooth, glowing complexion, and the end result is a "liquid facelift" without undergoing surgery. Other patients are concerned about abnormal skin pigment. Many of us develop dark pigmentation, whether it is due to pregnancy or from all those years of worshiping the sun. If dark pigmentation is your concern, a combination of the Melanage Peel and Ovivo Tone laser can target this problem. These are just a couple of examples. There are many skin conditions and many ways to treat each condition.
VITAHL's innovative and customized approach allows us to enhance your beauty and reach your aesthetic goals. Optimal outcomes in facial aesthetics require in-depth knowledge of facial aging and anatomy. By tailoring treatments to individuals, optimal results can be achieved.
Bogus Botox: Some deals really are too good to be true.
They say “you get what you pay for,” and I think at some time in our lives we have all seen this to be true. Back in 2005, patients were asking questions before they received Botox injections, because they were aware of patients such as the Florida couple who were hospitalized after receiving fake Botox. In recent years, we are hearing fewer of these stories, and patients seem less concerned about who is injecting them and what is being injected. However, even recently there have been several incidents of fake Botox injections that have put victims in the hospital. One woman died after receiving a supposed Botox injection that was, in reality, cooking oil. Not only is “Bogus Botox” still out there, in fact, there has been a rise in internet sales out of China of counterfeit Botox. Additionally, there is fake Juvederm and Restylane on the market.
Dr. Humes Says
Wow! What a change a month can make. Since the recent introduction of new treatments added to the menu here at VITAHL, we are excited to announce that our new Miradry and Cellulaze have started out with a big bang! They have been such a hit that we have patients in planes, trains and automobiles heading to Denver to check out the latest and greatest at VITAHL! Miradry has proven to be a lifesaver for both men and women. They are now able to avoid ruining their business attire and are no longer frustrated and embarrassed by excessive sweating. With immediate results and no downtime, there is no doubt Miradry will continue to be a craze across the U.S. Throw out those bottles of cellulite cream! Dr. Martin's schedule is filling up fast for a treatment that seems to be too good to be true, but in reality is just really good. Cellulaze, the 1st FDA approved cellulite treatment with only 5 days downtime, is yielding unbelievable results. Patients no longer have to hide that unwanted cellulite, and just in time for summer! Here at VITAHL we are constantly striving to offer the best treatments for our patients, and it makes us ecstatic to see their incredible results!
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dr Humes on Channel 2 with Shaul Turner - More women seeking help for aging hands
Dr Humes on Channel 2 with Shaul Turner - More women seeking help for aging hands
Click Here for Video Interview
by Shaul Turner
DENVER — Plastic surgeons in the metro area are very busy lifting faces and tucking tummies. But now there’s an increased demand for yet another area.
Many women feel that tired-looking hands can say a lot about you, especially if they detract from a youthful face.
Aging and harsh elements can wrinkle the skin on your hands. Doctor Tahl Humes is seeing a demand for hand rejuvenation at her Cherry Creek practice Vitahl.
According to Dr. Humes, it doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, signs of wear and tear on your hands can begin around age 30.
“You’ll hear women say some guy told me that they noticed I was in my 30’s because of my hands,” said Humes.
One treatment used to fill-out wrinkling hands is called Juvederm. It is injected between the bones to create a smoother appearance.
Another option is Sculptra, which actually stimulates collagen production in your hands, plumping them out.
Lasers are also used to resurface skin but are not advised for those with darker complexions.
Dr. Humes warns that it’s important to start protecting the skin on our hands in your 20s by using sunblock and plenty of moisturizers.
For more information about hand rejuvenation therapy you can call 303.388.7380 or visit www.vitahl.com. You may also visit the website for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at www.plasticsurgery.org .
Click Here for Video Interview
by Shaul Turner
DENVER — Plastic surgeons in the metro area are very busy lifting faces and tucking tummies. But now there’s an increased demand for yet another area.
Many women feel that tired-looking hands can say a lot about you, especially if they detract from a youthful face.
Aging and harsh elements can wrinkle the skin on your hands. Doctor Tahl Humes is seeing a demand for hand rejuvenation at her Cherry Creek practice Vitahl.
According to Dr. Humes, it doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, signs of wear and tear on your hands can begin around age 30.
“You’ll hear women say some guy told me that they noticed I was in my 30’s because of my hands,” said Humes.
One treatment used to fill-out wrinkling hands is called Juvederm. It is injected between the bones to create a smoother appearance.
Another option is Sculptra, which actually stimulates collagen production in your hands, plumping them out.
Lasers are also used to resurface skin but are not advised for those with darker complexions.
Dr. Humes warns that it’s important to start protecting the skin on our hands in your 20s by using sunblock and plenty of moisturizers.
For more information about hand rejuvenation therapy you can call 303.388.7380 or visit www.vitahl.com. You may also visit the website for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at www.plasticsurgery.org .
California Peel Finally Available in Denver
Straight from Beverly Hills to Denver, VITAHL is pleased to introduce Apeele to the Denver market! With a combination of multiple active ingredients, Apeele is a next generation medical grade revitalizing peel. This amazing peel is designed for all skin types, and targets sun damage, fine lines, mild wrinkles, and Melasma. This powerful yet non-invasive chemical peel shows visible and consistent results after just one treatment. You can now look forward to smoother overall skin texture and a more even complexion. We are excited to bring this innovative peel to you!
Come in for a consultation to see if Apeele is right for you, call VITAHL Today 303.388.7380
Come in for a consultation to see if Apeele is right for you, call VITAHL Today 303.388.7380
Cellulite Treatment That Really Works
If you are like most women, you have been sucked into trying every diet and cream on the market that claims to "get rid of" cellulite, only to end up spending hundreds of dollars and still having that dreadful "cottage cheese" look. Look no farther. VITAHL is proud to announce the arrival of the first FDA approved long lasting treatment for cellulite. Cellulaze, from the makers of SmartLipo, is the first minimally invasive treatment that treats cellulite underneath the skin in less than an hour and with little to no downtime. This revolutionary procedure will forever change the future treatment of cellulite. No other treatment on the market compares!
Call 303.388.7380 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Martin to see if Cellulaze is the treatment for you.
Call 303.388.7380 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Martin to see if Cellulaze is the treatment for you.
Long Lasting Fix For Sweaty Underarms
VITAHL is excited to announce miraDry, a long-term solution for Hyperhidrosis or excessive underarm sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a serious medical condition that significantly impacts the lives of 1 in 5 people worldwide. MiraDry is the first non-invasive FDA approved method with long-term results to reduce excess underarm sweating by 80% or more.
Each miraDry procedure takes approximately one hour in our office. Using microwave technology to effectively destroy the sweat glands while keeping the surrounding tissue cool, MiraDry is a safe way to say good riddance to excessive sweat. The recommended treatment plan requires two procedures to obtain maximum results. The procedure is safe, and results can be seen almost immediately. Since the procedure is non-invasive, there is little to no downtime, so patients can go about their normal routines after treatment.
If you suffer from Hyperhidrosis, or even if you are bothered by sweating, miraDry may be the answer for you. Call Vitahl today at 303.388.7380 for a free consultation.
Each miraDry procedure takes approximately one hour in our office. Using microwave technology to effectively destroy the sweat glands while keeping the surrounding tissue cool, MiraDry is a safe way to say good riddance to excessive sweat. The recommended treatment plan requires two procedures to obtain maximum results. The procedure is safe, and results can be seen almost immediately. Since the procedure is non-invasive, there is little to no downtime, so patients can go about their normal routines after treatment.
If you suffer from Hyperhidrosis, or even if you are bothered by sweating, miraDry may be the answer for you. Call Vitahl today at 303.388.7380 for a free consultation.
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports almost 9.2 Million Cosmetic Procedures
Recently the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Released its findings for 2011. It is always so interesting to see the trends for the year on what procedures are hot or on the rise. Mainly the popular favorites at VITAHL are right on the top of the list! As Botox celebrates it's 10th year on the Market you can see the joy "Liquid Gold" brings to America one fine line at a time. Here are a few of the totals on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Procedures in USA during 2011.
Top Five Surgical Procedures in 2011
Click link below for the full report on 2011 Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Trends
Top Five Surgical Procedures in 2011
- Liposuction (325,332)
- Breast augmentation (316,848)
- Abdominoplasty (149,410)
- Eyelid surgery (147,540)
- Breast Lift (127,054)
- Botulinum Toxin Type A (2,619,739 procedures)
- Hyaluronic acid (1,206,186 procedures);
- Laser Hair Removal (919,802 procedures)
- Microdermabrasion (499,427 procedures)
- IPL Laser Treatment (439,161 procedures)
Click link below for the full report on 2011 Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Trends
VITAHL ELECTIVE SURGERY | TOP 8 Reasons to Be Wary of Plastic Surgery on a Budget | By Dr. Tahl Humes
- Do not sacrifice expertise for cost. Often times less experienced doctors give more discounts to get more patients in. It should be about quality, not quantity when it comes to surgery.
- Patients can end up paying more in the end because they need their surgical mistakes fixed. If it seems too good to be true, it often is. A $5,000 face lift can end up costing $50,000 to fix!
- Board Certification: Make sure you are seeing a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for plastic surgery. Now-a-days, physicians who were not trained in Plastic Surgery (such as Family Practice doctors or Emergency Medicine doctors) are doing surgery, and they will often charge less.
- Listen to your gut. If you do not feel that the doctor you are seeing is right for you, don't do surgery with that doctor, even if it is the cheapest price. You only have one body, one life!
- Know your doctor. Make sure you meet with your doctor during the consultation NOT on the day of surgery. You need to know the person who will be operating on you.
- Plastic Surgery is an elective surgery. Make sure you are making the best choice for the right reasons.
- Make sure corners are not cut. Often when a price is lowered the doctor will want to finish the surgery quickly and may cut corners.
- Results. With cosmetic surgery you always want the best results. Going to the best doctor gives you a better chance of having the best results. The cheapest doctor is usually not the most qualified or best doctor. You are worth good results with your surgery!
1. It is amazing for the treatment of small to large areas of unwanted fat and all procedures can be completed in the office, without the need to go to an operating room or undergo anesthesia.
2. The skin tightening capabilities are unmatched. Therefore, even people with loose skin can now be candidates for these body sculpting procedures.
3. It is the only device that can be used for advanced areas of bodysculpting like the face, neck and arms. With Smartlipo of these areas, many people can avoid the need for a face, neck and arm lifting surgery.
4. The procedures themselves have a minimal amount of discomfort, a very short recovery time (3 to 5 days) and little swelling, bruising or discoloration. This allows you you to get back to your normal life activities in a week to 10 days.
5. It is the most successful laser assisted liposuction device on the market, with the most extensive amount of research and proven experience to back up the results.
2. The skin tightening capabilities are unmatched. Therefore, even people with loose skin can now be candidates for these body sculpting procedures.
3. It is the only device that can be used for advanced areas of bodysculpting like the face, neck and arms. With Smartlipo of these areas, many people can avoid the need for a face, neck and arm lifting surgery.
4. The procedures themselves have a minimal amount of discomfort, a very short recovery time (3 to 5 days) and little swelling, bruising or discoloration. This allows you you to get back to your normal life activities in a week to 10 days.
5. It is the most successful laser assisted liposuction device on the market, with the most extensive amount of research and proven experience to back up the results.
Reign Maker -Dr Tahl Humes Q&A
I was recently interviewed by Betsy Martin, Editor and Chief, of Reign - Denver's Authority on Everything Fabulous, a Denver Digital Magazine. Betsy has been involved in local magazines for years, since opening VITAHL in 2006 I have had the pleasure of meeting her and was honored to be featured on Reign for a little Q&A.
Betsy Features Local Females in Reign Makers; a peek inside the lives of Denver's most influential Females and the fabulous finds they can't live with out.
Dr. Tahl Humes is all about beauty, both inside and out. Here, the owner of Vitahl, one of Colorado’s hottest medical spas, shares her style secrets.
- I’m a city girl. I love everything city – The noise, the traffic, the crowds. My favorite travel is to a fun city where I can spend the day people watching.
- Anything Apple, I love my iPad…and MacBook Air…and iPhone.
- For a great glass of Malbec and dessert I head to Crave Dessert Bar & Lounge.
- I have no idea how to cook, but I love to eat, so we eat out six to seven nights a week. Twelve Restaurant is my home away from home for dinner.
- Wrigley, Niko and Botox are my ‘furry kids’ – They love to hike with Anthony of Out and About Hounds, and if my dogs are happy, it makes me happy.
- Botox, aka Liquid Gold, is definitely my number one guilty pleasure.
- Purses, especially Louis Vuitton. My favorite right now is the Louie I purchased in Paris.
- iS Clinical Active Serum – Not only does it help with acne it is anti-aging and brightens your skin.
- Of course, I love working at VITAHL Medical Aesthetics, which I started over 6 years ago. We have a great staff and amazing patients so going to work does not seem like work. And, VITAHL would not be growing if it weren’t for LSE (Leigh Sullivan Enterprises), what a great group we are working with!
- Working out with my personal trainer Brandon at F.I. Denver. If I am going to keep eating so much I need someone to kick me into shape.
- My friends. I truly have some of the greatest friends, both in Denver and back home in Chicago.
- International medical outreach work. I travel every February to Guatemala with DOCARE International to treat the medically under served. What a great country and great people.
Patient Blog - Denver Laser Tattoo Removal at VITAHL - How Leigh Sullivan Got Her Groove Back
They say that divorce is a great way to redefine yourself from start to finish. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have believed them.
When we got married I decided to get a tattoo to symbolize our love for one another. I got a Claddagh heart directly on the inside of my left wrist with his signature inside of the heart. On our seventh anniversary I got our anniversary date tattooed on my left shoulder. Those had to go.
The lawyers have names for the various different types of divorce: at-fault, no-fault, collaborative, mediated, uncontested and even “electronic,” whatever that means. But the suits can slap whatever name they want to on the big D, but no matter what, at the end of the countless phone calls and text messages, at the end of the day your left unequivocally separated from the life you used to know.
My life? It was a seven-year marriage that produced a beautiful baby girl and a mini-restaurant empire. We were employers of nearly 120 men and women, owned a home, a couple cars and shared a big, fat slobbering mess of an English bulldog. On the outside we looked like we had things pretty figured out. But on the inside…well that was where the problem was.
My husband and I split in July of 2011. We were officially divorced in December. He got the restaurant, a car and a bunch of other crap not worth mentioning. But what I got from him was a reminder…
I consider myself to be a pretty confident woman. I’m driven, well educated, complex, business savvy and I’d like to think I’m somewhat easy on the eyes. But one morning, two weeks after the split, I woke up wondering who I’d become.
That morning during a workout at Pure Barre in Cherry Creek I realized that I hadn’t been looking at myself in the mirror and when I did, I didn’t even recognize myself. That smart, driven woman I knew seven years ago had vanished. I felt tired all the time. My marriage, my two kids, my businesses…they had consumed me. I had completely stopped taking care of myself. I was too busy. The family needed dinner. The husband had another event to attend. Our restaurants were too successful. I was making excuses.
I call that moment with the mirror my “Ah-Ha!” moment. I took a hard look at myself and realized that it was beyond time that I stopped being a victim to my life and started taking the reigns again. I was awakened. Energized. At that moment I decided to start living my life for myself again.

I called Dr. Humes. She and I have been great friends for quite some time, and I figured she would be the best person to help me find someone to remove those painful reminders. Tahl told me that she had, in fact, that morning received her latest piece of equipment, the RevLight SI that could handle those tattoos without a problem. “Great,” I told her. “Sign me up.”
During the first treatment I decided not to numb the pain. I figured if I was dumb enough to get someone’s name tattooed on my wrist then that thing better hurt coming off. Dr. Humes asked me if I was sure. I was. Dr. Humes and her staff at Vitahl Medical Aesthetics were just as accommodating and remarkable as they always have been. Tahl talked me through the procedure and answered every one of my crazy questions.
Each zap of the laser felt as if I was removing a piece of the past and becoming the woman I always envisioned myself to be. I thought about my daughters and who I want them growing up to be. I want them to be strong and confident. I want them to take on the world around them and not limit themselves to what they can accomplish. I want them to be proud of the women they’ve become. I want them to see themselves as beautiful.
Did it hurt? Yeah it hurt (I’ve iced each time since). But not as much as it did when I realized I’d forgotten who I was. I left Vitahl that day on the road to recovery. To healing. To redefinition.
Make every minute count when it comes to your skin care routine. During the cold winter months, don’t forget to take the time to care for your skin. Here are some beauty tips and treatments to try based on how many minutes you have to spend.
1 minute treatments:
• Apply sunscreen with an antioxidant before you leave the house for the day. Super Serum Advance+ and Pro Heal Advance+ (both available at VITAHL) insure that you are ready for the elements with the double defense of sunscreen and an antioxidant.
• Pamper your eyes. Instantly plump the skin under your eyes, while firming and hydrating, with IS Clinical’s Youth Eye Complex, also available at VITAHL.
15 minute treatments:• Botox – "Liquid Gold". It’s our favorite tip for softening wrinkles!
• Peel away dead skin, minimize fine lines and brighten your skin with a Glycolic Peel.
30 minute treatments:• Polish and rejuvenate skin with microdermabrasion.
• Decrease pore size and redness with Laser Genesis, a must for glowing skin.
• Refresh your hands, neck and chest - don't ignore these areas that are also prone to aging and wrinkles. Add them to your Laser Genesis treatments.
60 minute treatments:• Reduce crepiness while increasing collagen production. Both the Pearl and Titan lasers increase collagen production and tighten the skin around your eyes, jawline and neck.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Humes
1 minute treatments:
• Apply sunscreen with an antioxidant before you leave the house for the day. Super Serum Advance+ and Pro Heal Advance+ (both available at VITAHL) insure that you are ready for the elements with the double defense of sunscreen and an antioxidant.
• Pamper your eyes. Instantly plump the skin under your eyes, while firming and hydrating, with IS Clinical’s Youth Eye Complex, also available at VITAHL.
15 minute treatments:• Botox – "Liquid Gold". It’s our favorite tip for softening wrinkles!
• Peel away dead skin, minimize fine lines and brighten your skin with a Glycolic Peel.
30 minute treatments:• Polish and rejuvenate skin with microdermabrasion.
• Decrease pore size and redness with Laser Genesis, a must for glowing skin.
• Refresh your hands, neck and chest - don't ignore these areas that are also prone to aging and wrinkles. Add them to your Laser Genesis treatments.
60 minute treatments:• Reduce crepiness while increasing collagen production. Both the Pearl and Titan lasers increase collagen production and tighten the skin around your eyes, jawline and neck.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Humes
Summer Preperation with Laser Hair Removal
The New Year is here, full of resolutions followed by Summer preparations! It may seem premature for Summer Preparation but this is the perfect time to get started. Laser Hair Removal is a series of Laser Treatments so begining now is perfect preperation for Summer. Since the series of treatments is based around the hair follicle growth pattern beginning the process now will have you smooth and bikini ready by your Spring Vacation and Summer Season. If you have considered Laser Hair Removal before consider a one lesser known advantage of the treatment; razor bumps and ingrown hairs are greatly reduced if not gone forever! Below is a great article about the treatment and results of one Laser Hair Removal Patient. Hope to see you soon at VITAHL, 303.388.7380
Does it Work? Laser Hair Removal
Best Wishes,
Dr Humes
Does it Work? Laser Hair Removal
Best Wishes,
Dr Humes
Hollywood has long understood the power of a perfect pouty lip, leaving everyone asking, "What options do I have to obtain that perfect celebrity pout?"
Full and pouty lips are associated with youth, beauty and sensuality. With Valentine's Day around the corner, many want to have those beautiful, kissable lips without the pain and tingling of a lip plumper. If you are looking to enhance the size and shape of your lips, there are many options that will leave you feeling plumped, soft, sensual and naturally stunning.
The ideal lip has a defined border, and the upper lip is smaller than the lower lip. As we age, collagen and fat start to disappear and the lip border breaks down, revealing a less youthful pout. Many different approaches have been introduced to the market for patients searching for that full sensual lip they may have once had or have always wished for. Though lip liner can accentuate the lip size to a certain extent, only so much can be "drawn on." When filling the lip, it is important to keep a natural look by enhancing the border of the lip while keeping the upper lip approximately 75% as full as the lower lip. Anything larger and you can obtain the "ducky look." You also want to be careful not to over-treat lip wrinkles above the lip, because again, this can result in a less natural and more "ducky" look. At VITAHL, we are known for our advanced injection techniques that keep your lips looking natural and like your best you. We can achieve this with fillers or a combination of treatments to best meet your goals.
Juvederm: Popular for instantly plumping lips, Juvederm restores volume and fullness. This smooth gel filler is made of hyaluronic acid which is naturally found in the body, hydrating and adding volume to areas injected.
Botox: Small doses of Botox can be used to evert the lips. When injected into certain parts of the lip muscle, the selective weakening makes the lips roll out to some extent. This leaves you with the appearance of fuller lips. Combining Botox and Juvederm in the lips maximizes the longevity of the Juvederm treatment.
Laser Genesis: A favorite treatment of Hollywood A-listers, this fabulous laser treatment will not only get you red carpet ready, but it can leave your pout looking more plumped. A secret tip - Laser Genesis stimulates collagen in the lips as well as in the skin.
Fat Transfer: For a longer lasting option to achieve that perfect pout, many are turning to fat transfer. This procedure involves transferring your own fat to your lips in order to enhance the appearance. Although this is a more expensive alternative than other lip plumping options, it does last longer and uses your own fat.
Call us at 303.388.7380 to schedule a consultation to see which lip enhancement treatment will give you that perfect pout.
Warm Regards,
Full and pouty lips are associated with youth, beauty and sensuality. With Valentine's Day around the corner, many want to have those beautiful, kissable lips without the pain and tingling of a lip plumper. If you are looking to enhance the size and shape of your lips, there are many options that will leave you feeling plumped, soft, sensual and naturally stunning.
The ideal lip has a defined border, and the upper lip is smaller than the lower lip. As we age, collagen and fat start to disappear and the lip border breaks down, revealing a less youthful pout. Many different approaches have been introduced to the market for patients searching for that full sensual lip they may have once had or have always wished for. Though lip liner can accentuate the lip size to a certain extent, only so much can be "drawn on." When filling the lip, it is important to keep a natural look by enhancing the border of the lip while keeping the upper lip approximately 75% as full as the lower lip. Anything larger and you can obtain the "ducky look." You also want to be careful not to over-treat lip wrinkles above the lip, because again, this can result in a less natural and more "ducky" look. At VITAHL, we are known for our advanced injection techniques that keep your lips looking natural and like your best you. We can achieve this with fillers or a combination of treatments to best meet your goals.
Juvederm: Popular for instantly plumping lips, Juvederm restores volume and fullness. This smooth gel filler is made of hyaluronic acid which is naturally found in the body, hydrating and adding volume to areas injected.
Botox: Small doses of Botox can be used to evert the lips. When injected into certain parts of the lip muscle, the selective weakening makes the lips roll out to some extent. This leaves you with the appearance of fuller lips. Combining Botox and Juvederm in the lips maximizes the longevity of the Juvederm treatment.
Laser Genesis: A favorite treatment of Hollywood A-listers, this fabulous laser treatment will not only get you red carpet ready, but it can leave your pout looking more plumped. A secret tip - Laser Genesis stimulates collagen in the lips as well as in the skin.
Fat Transfer: For a longer lasting option to achieve that perfect pout, many are turning to fat transfer. This procedure involves transferring your own fat to your lips in order to enhance the appearance. Although this is a more expensive alternative than other lip plumping options, it does last longer and uses your own fat.
Call us at 303.388.7380 to schedule a consultation to see which lip enhancement treatment will give you that perfect pout.
Warm Regards,
As we step into 2012, many of us are making resolutions to get our bodies fit, but are we working to get our skin fit? While getting our bodies in shape may not be easy, we all know we need to eat well and work out in order to keep our bodies healthy and fit. Once our bodies are at our ideal shape, we need to keep ourselves fit with maintenance. Our skin also needs to be kept fit and healthy.
Skin fitness can be broken into three categories – preventing damage, treating damage, and maintaining skin health. To prevent your skin from looking unfit or unhealthy, we all need to be using sun block each day. We also can prevent wrinkles using Botox and lasers. Once we are at the point where we can see the signs of sun damage, including brown spots, redness and wrinkles, we need to start treating our skin to get skin fit. These treatments should be tailored to meet each patient’s skin fit goals, and are best achieved with combination therapy using Botox, lasers, and dermal fillers. Finally, as with our bodies, our skin also needs maintenance treatments to keep our skin healthy.
We too wish there was a one time treatment that would fix all of our skin care issues, but as there is no miracle pill to keep our bodies fit, there is also no one-step treatment that will keep our skin fit forever. At VITAHL, we know how important it is to keep your skin healthy and we know that skin fitness can be costly. For this reason, we offer VITAHL’s SkinFitTM Membership. For $99 per month, you get a Free Microdermabrasion or Chemical Peel, first access to new treatments offered at VITAHL, and discounts on treatments and products every day. No longer do you have to wait for monthly specials. Now you can get your skin fit while saving every day at VITAHL.
Skin fitness can be broken into three categories – preventing damage, treating damage, and maintaining skin health. To prevent your skin from looking unfit or unhealthy, we all need to be using sun block each day. We also can prevent wrinkles using Botox and lasers. Once we are at the point where we can see the signs of sun damage, including brown spots, redness and wrinkles, we need to start treating our skin to get skin fit. These treatments should be tailored to meet each patient’s skin fit goals, and are best achieved with combination therapy using Botox, lasers, and dermal fillers. Finally, as with our bodies, our skin also needs maintenance treatments to keep our skin healthy.
We too wish there was a one time treatment that would fix all of our skin care issues, but as there is no miracle pill to keep our bodies fit, there is also no one-step treatment that will keep our skin fit forever. At VITAHL, we know how important it is to keep your skin healthy and we know that skin fitness can be costly. For this reason, we offer VITAHL’s SkinFitTM Membership. For $99 per month, you get a Free Microdermabrasion or Chemical Peel, first access to new treatments offered at VITAHL, and discounts on treatments and products every day. No longer do you have to wait for monthly specials. Now you can get your skin fit while saving every day at VITAHL.
Happy New Year
2012 has arrived, and the first things we think about are our New Year's resolutions. We all make mistakes and have regrets, but no longer do you have to say "what’s done is done." With a new year comes a new YOU, and with the latest technological advances, VITAHL's highly experienced and knowledgeable staff can help you rewind time and erase those unfortunate decisions.
Are you regretting those delicious holiday snacks? You can get a jump-start trimming those excess inches you put on during the holidays with our favorite non-surgical fat blaster, VASER Shape. Why hit the gym for numerous hours a week, when you can see up to half an inch lost in most areas after your first one or two treatments?
Are you tired of looking at that tattoo you thought was a good idea after a few too many cocktails or pressure from your friends (you know what I am talking about, we've all been there)? You can say hasta la vista to your unwanted tattoo mistake, and start fresh, with no regrets, using the latest and most advanced tattoo removal technology on the market, the RevLite SI. You will start to see results within weeks after your first treatment.
Is the cold and snowy weather making you dream of beaches, but you look in the mirror and realize the sun has left your skin lacking that radiant glow you once had? Remember those days when lathering baby oil all over your body to achieve that beautiful sun tanned skin seemed like such a great idea, but now its left you looking dull and leathery? No problem! We have the answer for you – IPL Photo Facial, Ovivo Sol, and Pearl can help erase sun damage, age spots and freckles with minimal downtime.
Not sure where to start? Come in for a free consultation so you can take advantage of the amazing specials we are offering in January, and make 2012 the year to erase your regrets!
Warm Regards,
Are you regretting those delicious holiday snacks? You can get a jump-start trimming those excess inches you put on during the holidays with our favorite non-surgical fat blaster, VASER Shape. Why hit the gym for numerous hours a week, when you can see up to half an inch lost in most areas after your first one or two treatments?
Are you tired of looking at that tattoo you thought was a good idea after a few too many cocktails or pressure from your friends (you know what I am talking about, we've all been there)? You can say hasta la vista to your unwanted tattoo mistake, and start fresh, with no regrets, using the latest and most advanced tattoo removal technology on the market, the RevLite SI. You will start to see results within weeks after your first treatment.
Is the cold and snowy weather making you dream of beaches, but you look in the mirror and realize the sun has left your skin lacking that radiant glow you once had? Remember those days when lathering baby oil all over your body to achieve that beautiful sun tanned skin seemed like such a great idea, but now its left you looking dull and leathery? No problem! We have the answer for you – IPL Photo Facial, Ovivo Sol, and Pearl can help erase sun damage, age spots and freckles with minimal downtime.
Not sure where to start? Come in for a free consultation so you can take advantage of the amazing specials we are offering in January, and make 2012 the year to erase your regrets!
Warm Regards,
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