Warm Regards,
Dr. Humes Says
Wow! What a change a month can make. Since the recent introduction of new treatments added to the menu here at VITAHL, we are excited to announce that our new Miradry and Cellulaze have started out with a big bang! They have been such a hit that we have patients in planes, trains and automobiles heading to Denver to check out the latest and greatest at VITAHL! Miradry has proven to be a lifesaver for both men and women. They are now able to avoid ruining their business attire and are no longer frustrated and embarrassed by excessive sweating. With immediate results and no downtime, there is no doubt Miradry will continue to be a craze across the U.S. Throw out those bottles of cellulite cream! Dr. Martin's schedule is filling up fast for a treatment that seems to be too good to be true, but in reality is just really good. Cellulaze, the 1st FDA approved cellulite treatment with only 5 days downtime, is yielding unbelievable results. Patients no longer have to hide that unwanted cellulite, and just in time for summer! Here at VITAHL we are constantly striving to offer the best treatments for our patients, and it makes us ecstatic to see their incredible results!
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,