Dr. Tahl N. Humes owns and serves as medical director to Vitahl Medical Aesthetics in Denver, Colorado. She graduated with a BS from Indiana University, completed Medical School at Touro University in California, and Residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver. She is a National Laser Trainer and National Spokesperson for Cutera® Lasers. Dr. Humes also trains physicians, RNs, and PAs from across the nation in advanced injection techniques of BOTOX® and advanced dermal fillers, including Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Dr. Humes has performed thousands of aesthetic treatments with lasers and injectables. She was invited by Allergan to participate in the Juvederm Experience Trials prior to the product’s release to the general public. In addition, Dr. Humes is known for her expertise in laser medicine. Dr. Humes and Vitahl are known for their cutting edge laser treatments, such as Pearl and Titan. She has been interviewed for her cosmetic medical expertise by news affiliates ABC, CBS, and NBC, and has served on expert panels for Cutera® Lasers at national presentations.

Post-Baby Skin Care Treatments

If you are like many of us, you have been following the latest Hollywood buzz. It seems like every day there is a new celebrity announcing that she is expecting. Flipping through magazines and seeing how amazing these stylish moms-to-be look leaves us wondering, "What are they doing to keep that glow and how are they keeping their skin looking so great during pregnancy?" Just because you are pregnant does not mean that you can't keep up with some of your favorite day-to-day beauty regimes.

In addition, many women don't realize how much of a toll pregnancy takes, not only on your body, but also on your skin. Pregnancy can cause unwanted pigmentation, redness and breakouts from hormonal changes. Since most of us women find that continuous diet and exercise as well as trying countless skin care products just doesn't cut it when it comes to restoring the body back to pre-baby condition, many moms are seeking a solution that will give them the ultimate mommy body and skin fix, a mommy makeover. A woman's self-esteem and self-image are often tied to her appearance. Mommy makeovers are performed to restore and rejuvenate post-baby bodies and skin for a more pleasing aesthetic look as well as to boost your self-confidence.

Post-Baby Skin Care Treatments Can Include:
  • OVIVO Tone which helps to target and treat Melasma
  • Pearl Skin Resurfacing which treats skin texture and wrinkles while stimulating collagen growth
  • IPL and Laser Genesis combination which helps eliminate sun damage while improving redness, minimizing pore size, and leaving you with a fabulous glow
  • Mommy makeover surgery which can address your post mommy issues by restoring volume, addressing loose skin and bringing back that youthful appearance you once had.
With Mother's Day around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about treating yourself. VITAHL offers many treatments to choose from, whether you are currently pregnant or wanting to get your pre-baby body back. For the ultimate makeover, don't forget to take care of your skin and get back your mommy glow!

*An actual consultation is needed to customize a Mommy Makeover to meet the particular needs of each patient. Please schedule a complimentary consultation with our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jason Martin, or one of our highly trained Clinicians 303.388.7380