Dr. Tahl N. Humes owns and serves as medical director to Vitahl Medical Aesthetics in Denver, Colorado. She graduated with a BS from Indiana University, completed Medical School at Touro University in California, and Residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver. She is a National Laser Trainer and National Spokesperson for Cutera® Lasers. Dr. Humes also trains physicians, RNs, and PAs from across the nation in advanced injection techniques of BOTOX® and advanced dermal fillers, including Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Dr. Humes has performed thousands of aesthetic treatments with lasers and injectables. She was invited by Allergan to participate in the Juvederm Experience Trials prior to the product’s release to the general public. In addition, Dr. Humes is known for her expertise in laser medicine. Dr. Humes and Vitahl are known for their cutting edge laser treatments, such as Pearl and Titan. She has been interviewed for her cosmetic medical expertise by news affiliates ABC, CBS, and NBC, and has served on expert panels for Cutera® Lasers at national presentations.

VITAHL Only Colorado Location Offering New, Non-Surgical Fat-Removal Treatment

If you’ve hesitated to have lipo treatments because they seemed, well, too invasive, we have good news. VITAHL is one of just 12 medical offices across the country to offer a new, non-surgical lipo treatment called VASERshape. VASERshape is the latest innovation from Louisville, Colo., based Sound Surgical Technologies. It has been available for many years in Europe, marketed under the name MedContour, and the results seen in their many patients have been amazing. VASERshape is a non-invasive body contouring treatment for localized fat and deep cellulite. It uses the combined action of two low-frequency ultrasounds concentrated onto the area being treated, offering fat removal that is both highly effective and entirely safe.

VITAHL is proud to be chosen the first location in Colorado to offer this latest non-invasive fat removal treatment. Unlike other non-invasive body contouring devices, VASERshape has reproducible results. Now, you can lose inches of unwanted fat without downtime, by using safe and effective ultrasound technology!

Click here for Questions and Answers about VASERshape.

Click here for Before and After photos.

Call 303.388.7380 to schedule your VASERshape consultation today!