Dr. Tahl N. Humes owns and serves as medical director to Vitahl Medical Aesthetics in Denver, Colorado. She graduated with a BS from Indiana University, completed Medical School at Touro University in California, and Residency at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver. She is a National Laser Trainer and National Spokesperson for Cutera® Lasers. Dr. Humes also trains physicians, RNs, and PAs from across the nation in advanced injection techniques of BOTOX® and advanced dermal fillers, including Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Dr. Humes has performed thousands of aesthetic treatments with lasers and injectables. She was invited by Allergan to participate in the Juvederm Experience Trials prior to the product’s release to the general public. In addition, Dr. Humes is known for her expertise in laser medicine. Dr. Humes and Vitahl are known for their cutting edge laser treatments, such as Pearl and Titan. She has been interviewed for her cosmetic medical expertise by news affiliates ABC, CBS, and NBC, and has served on expert panels for Cutera® Lasers at national presentations.

VASER on Dr Oz Show

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VASERshape- Denver Non-Surgical Body Contouring

Have you always wanted to treat unwanted fat and cellulite without down time or surgery? Based in Denver, Colorado, VITAHL is one of only 12 medical offices in the country to offer the newest technology in non-surgical body contouring. This non-surgical Denver body contouring treatment uses dual head ultrasound technology to break the fat cell walls, releasing the adipose tissue or body fat, which is then metabolized by the body. VASERshape does not replace diet and exercise, but it is a less invasive alternative to liposuction. Originally discovered in Europe, VASERshape is now available in the US and has been shown to permanently remove the fat cells treated.